Game Type: DotA Ladder Game Creator: .atmaca.
Map: DotA v6.81d Mode: -apem
Date: 01.01.2015 22:19:52 CET Game state: PUB
Lobby duration: 02m:05s Game duration: 00h:38m:59s
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The Sentinel

Player name Hero Rating KDA CK CD NK T Items Leave time
.atmaca. eurobattle 13 1570 -4 4/5/10 24 0 3 0 Dagon Level 1 Lothar's Edge Aghanim's Scepter (Witch Doctor) Boots of Speed Headdress of Rejuvenation 38:31
scaronheart eurobattle 18 1462 -12 11/9/4 43 0 59 1 Power Treads (Strength) Quelling Blade Hyperstone Disabled Kelen's Dagger Armlet of Mordiggian Stygian Desolator 38:33
tudady eurobattle 14 1487 -10 0/8/7 31 0 3 0 Dust of Appearance Aghanim's Scepter (Juggernaut) Power Treads (Strength) Broadsword Perseverance 38:31
m0n0s eurobattle 15 1513 -9 5/6/8 61 6 5 0 Aghanim's Scepter Boots of Speed Refresher Orb Mantle of Intelligence Ring of Health 38:34
argon eurobattle 14 1469 -11 5/8/6 37 1 3 0 Mask of Madness Sentry Wards Lothar's Edge Orb of Venom Power Treads (Strength) Ring of Aquila 38:31

The Scourge

Player name Hero Rating KDA CK CD NK T Items Leave time
tatrgel eurobattle 16 1414 +16 2/6/15 55 1 3 1 Wraith Band Linken's Sphere Messerschmidt's Reaver Vitality Booster Boots of Travel 38:32
po_473sk eurobattle 18 1548 +7 9/5/18 50 7 17 4 Sange and Yasha Urn of Shadows Heart of Tarrasque Power Treads (Strength) Helm of the Dominator 38:57 eurobattle 18 1500 +10 10/5/14 84 3 2 0 Battle Fury Arcane Boots Crystalys Stygian Desolator Ring of Health Claymore 38:33
virty eurobattle 18 1572 +5 11/3/14 38 0 12 0 Mekansm Arcane Boots Aghanim's Scepter (Necro) Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse Aegis of the Immortal 38:59
birila eurobattle 16 1476 +12 4/7/12 36 0 1 0 Power Treads (Strength) Eul's Scepter of Divinity Ring of Health Lothar's Edge Ironwood Branch Vanguard (ranged) 38:34