Game Type: DotA Ladder Game Creator: aquariux
Map: DotA v6.81d Mode: -sd
Date: 01.01.2015 22:14:49 CET Game state: PUB
Lobby duration: 01m:46s Game duration: 00h:57m:05s
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The Sentinel

Player name Hero Rating KDA CK CD NK T Items Leave time
aquariux eurobattle 24 1485 +18 9/7/17 90 3 19 4 Diffusal Blade Level 1 Power Treads (Strength) Vanguard (melee) Vladmir's Offering The Butterfly 56:19
butki eurobattle 18 1514 +16 2/16/17 54 0 1 0 Vanguard (melee) Vladmir's Offering Power Treads (Strength) Armlet of Mordiggian Ogre Axe Belt of Giant Strength 57:05
mycuminyourass eurobattle 25 1600 +11 13/8/22 85 11 39 2 Power Treads (Strength) Vladmir's Offering Sange and Yasha Eye of Skadi Cranium Basher 56:26
lutaagresorul eurobattle 25 1649 +4 24/9/16 161 0 17 0 Heaven's Halberd On) Boots of Travel Mjollnir Ghost Scepter Observer Wards 56:19
gugu eurobattle 11 1500 -16 0/9/1 24 0 0 0 52:06

The Scourge

Player name Hero Rating KDA CK CD NK T Items Leave time
braci eurobattle 20 1493 -16 11/11/18 70 0 0 1 Power Treads (Agility) Lothar's Edge Aghanim's Scepter (Veno) Vanguard (ranged) Wraith Band 56:16
svesemboga eurobattle 24 1603 -9 14/10/16 152 5 42 1 Bloodstone Power Treads (Strength) Eaglehorn Cranium Basher Sange and Yasha 56:17
ee.bsc.ym eurobattle 19 1446 -19 12/12/13 69 2 24 1 Blade Mail Power Treads (Strength) Aghanim's Scepter (Nightstalker) Vladmir's Offering Ring of Aquila 56:19
servo eurobattle 20 1570 -11 3/2/15 146 4 3 1 Ethereal Blade Manta Style (ranged) Ultimate Orb Magical Bottle - 3/3 Boots of Travel 56:22
bisiktirol eurobattle 20 1634 -5 8/14/20 68 1 5 0 Power Treads (Strength) Yasha Vanguard (melee) Belt of Giant Strength Blade Mail 56:19