Game Type: DotA Ladder Game Creator: ^archaeologist^
Map: DotA v6.81d Mode: -rd
Date: 01.01.2015 22:07:23 CET Game state: PUB
Lobby duration: 21m:22s Game duration: 00h:55m:01s
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The Sentinel

Player name Hero Rating KDA CK CD NK T Items Leave time
hammerfall. eurobattle 22 1787 -4 6/9/25 120 6 25 0 Magic Stick Scroll of Town Portal Arcane Boots Battle Fury Vanguard (melee) Maelstrom 54:56
cattleya.. eurobattle 23 1691 -5 17/14/15 67 3 4 0 Lothar's Edge Boots of Speed Bloodstone Ogre Axe Blade of Alacrity Staff of Wizardry 54:55
^archaeologist^ eurobattle 18 1796 -4 5/13/15 80 2 10 1 Eul's Scepter of Divinity Mekansm Ogre Axe Point Booster Boots of Speed Staff of Wizardry 54:54
sarona eurobattle 21 1641 -8 8/10/14 145 7 31 1 Ogre Axe Mithril Hammer Yasha Power Treads (Strength) Maelstrom Active) 54:54
siljan_shtrkot eurobattle 20 1669 -6 10/13/11 129 6 27 0 Manta Style (ranged) Necronomicon Level 3 Hand of Midas Boots of Travel Ultimate Orb Ring Of Aquila 54:56

The Scourge

Player name Hero Rating KDA CK CD NK T Items Leave time
ptk2014 eurobattle 25 1700 +6 22/11/13 101 11 63 1 Abyssal Blade Stygian Desolator Aegis of the Immortal Sange and Yasha Vladmir's Offering Power Treads (Strength) 54:54
^a^o eurobattle 25 1688 +6 9/11/16 59 5 87 0 Kelen's Dagger Blade Mail Heart of Tarrasque Aghanim's Scepter (Axe) Stout Shield (melee) Boots of Travel 54:58
hlr.sympathetic eurobattle 22 1739 +6 7/7/27 113 1 47 0 Aghanim's Scepter (Zeus) Refresher Orb Ancient Janggo of Endurance Boots of Speed Scroll of Town Portal Eul's Scepter of Divinity 55:01
johnnyveselka eurobattle 25 1663 +8 11/7/28 151 2 24 1 Arcane Boots Blade Mail Aghanim's Scepter (Tiny) Shiva's Guard Lothar's Edge Kelen's Dagger 54:54
akipromaster eurobattle 23 1712 +6 8/10/10 133 1 66 2 Ghost Scepter Battle Fury Aghanim's Scepter (Juggernaut) Boots of Travel Cranium Basher 54:54