Game Type: DotA Ladder Game Creator: [apf]-attackers
Map: DotA v6.81d Mode: -ap
Date: 01.01.2015 05:46:16 CET Game state: PUB
Lobby duration: 05m:03s Game duration: 00h:42m:40s
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The Sentinel

Player name Hero Rating KDA CK CD NK T Items Leave time
[apf]-attackers eurobattle 17 1534 -13 7/7/6 40 0 57 0 Armlet of Mordiggian Blade Mail Power Treads (Strength) Poor Man's Shield (melee) Sange Quelling Blade 42:03
jokix eurobattle 16 1680 -0 4/6/6 97 7 4 0 Mask of Madness Crystalys Yasha Wraith Band Power Treads (Strength) 42:03
the_blacklynx eurobattle 14 1503 -15 5/14/5 60 0 2 0 Soul Ring Arcane Boots Ogre Axe Observer Wards Magic Stick Sentry Wards 42:02
firepowers eurobattle 17 1457 -18 4/13/6 72 0 0 0 Lothar's Edge Boots of Speed Sobi Mask Sobi Mask Robe of the Magi 42:03
_ss_pace_ eurobattle 14 1446 -19 2/8/6 71 2 1 0 Power Treads (Strength) Sange and Yasha 42:02

The Scourge

Player name Hero Rating KDA CK CD NK T Items Leave time
dusmani. eurobattle 23 1553 +13 15/4/5 187 20 14 2 Ghost Scepter Power Treads (Strength) Lothar's Edge Manta Style (ranged) 41:59
rambo666 eurobattle 25 1571 +12 13/0/4 103 0 162 2 Boots of Travel Satanic Sange and Yasha Ancient Janggo of Endurance (empty) Disabled Heart of Tarrasque Bloodstone 42:00
haarp_tsunami eurobattle 18 1508 +16 1/2/5 115 4 66 0 Vladmir's Offering Mjollnir Assault Cuirass Disabled Kelen's Dagger Power Treads (Strength) Scroll of Town Portal 42:40
iowispio eurobattle 16 1503 +16 2/9/10 44 3 13 1 Mekansm Rod of Atos Arcane Boots Veil of Discord 42:01
goldenvibes eurobattle 22 1557 +13 11/8/12 66 7 20 1 Urn of Shadows Aghanim's Scepter (Nightstalker) Abyssal Blade Sentry Wards Power Treads (Strength) 42:02